Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Tech Careers
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Tech Careers

Young readers get acquainted with the people behind today's most cutting-edge technologies in the artificial intelligence field—from bright ideas to cool new products. Careers in Artificial Intelligence introduces six exciting careers and features sidebar activities that invite readers to "Imagine That!" and "Dig Deeper!" It includes table of contents, glossary, index, and supplementary back matter.

Technology is where exciting opportunities are happening. Each title introduces the people who make these “the future is now” technologies happen. Emerging Tech Careers inspires readers in grades 4 through 8 to consider future high-tech careers that past generations never even knew to dream about. The Emerging Tech Careers series features titles about today’s most cutting-edge technologies that are sure to resonate with savvy readers, including Artificial Intelligence, Drones, Nanomedicine, Personal Space Travel, Robots, Self-Driving Cars, Virtual Reality, and Wearable Technology.

Book Details


  • Educational
  • Nonfiction
  • Science
  • Series

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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