I am proud to introduce my novels and the children’s Royal Rabbits series which I write with my husband, Simon Sebag Montefiore. Since I could first hold a pencil I have been writing stories. It was my most enjoyable hobby and one I never expected would become a career in adulthood. I am so lucky to do something I adore and luckier still that you, my readers, enable me to do it. For that I am incredibly grateful.
Over the last four decades my love of storytelling has never changed, the only thing that has changed is my audience (once only me), which now includes you! I hope to carry you away to sunnier shores, while at the same time to remind you of all that is wonderful about England. Above all, my novels are about love – not just romantic love, but Love with a capital L, because when you boil life down to its essence, love is what you’ll find. I hope to sweep you away, to make you laugh and cry in equal measure, but most of all to make it possible for you to escape for a while.
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