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Author Bio:
Writing is an adventure for me. It's been a long and winding journey to authoring a book. Here's some of that journey's highlights:
I grew up in Wenatchee, Washington. Better look it up on the map, because it's the Apple Capital of the World!
As a kid I played lots of sports, enjoyed art and photography, read lots of books (still do) and dreamed of traveling the world.
I left home to study at the University of Washington where I earned my B.A. in German. (And yes, my dad asked me "what are you going to do with a degree in German?")
For the next 15 years, I worked in Finance and Quality departments for some really big companies. In other words, I went to lots of meetings, talked on the phone, traveled all over the country and sat in a cubicle for a lot of that time.
Then I fell in love, got married and had two wonderful kids. We now live happily ever after in Portland, Oregon.
That's the story so far. I'm now starting the journey of author. How long that will last, I don't know. However, I'm ready to enjoy the adventure.
Lisa Ard's 'Fright Flight, Dream Seekers Book One' won the FlamingNet Top Choice Award. Her upcoming book 'Saving Halloween' won a 2012 Kay Snow Writing Award for Young Readers.