Leona O'Neill

From her blog:
Am married to a handsome and witty newspaper photographer called Brendan O'Neill and have three lively boys Daniel (9), Caolan (7) and Finn (3) and one beautiful daughter, Maoliosa (1). Am one of four children. Live in Derry, Northern Ireland. I've been a journalist for around 16 years. Worked in various regional and national newspapers as a news reporter and columnist. Write a weekly column in one of Ireland's biggest national newspapers. Run my own online newspaper for the northwest of Ireland www.newswireni.com. Been writing books for almost two decades. My first story was about a girl battling the might of a volcano when I was six years old. I got a gold star and a chocolate bar from the teacher for my efforts and have been seeking similar recognition since. Wrote Emerald Witch to escape the grief after my father lost his brave battle with cancer two years ago. Amelia's magical world was the perfect place to get lost in.