Jeni Mawter

Jeni Mawter Published Works 2011 - 2012

Kiss Kill Really Blue Books (Young Adult Digital)
Teaching 'Writing for the Emerging Reader', Master of Arts students (Macquarie University)
Creative Writing teacher for the Sydney Writer's Centre, Lavender Bay
Lateral Learning; Creative Net and Speaker's Ink Speaker's Agencies - school visits, workshops.
Judge NSW Premier's Literary Award YA Ethel Turner Prize
Recipient of May Gibbs Writing Fellowship

The Snugglebump Jump Wombat Books (Picture Book)
Attended Creativity and Technology Conference, New York.
Patron for Children's Charity Network.
Founding member of Literature Live! Connecting authors and illustrators with classrooms.
'ICT and Literature: There's a link.' Article in Teacher, ACER, March 2011, Pp 68 - 72
Creative Writing teacher for the Sydney Writer's Centre, Lavender Bay
Lateral Learning; Creative Net and Speaker's Ink Speaker's Agencies - school visits, workshops.
Attended Institute for the Future of the Book Conference, Melbourne.