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Dennis A. Feece | LitPick Book Reviews
Dennis A. Feece

Dennis A. Feece may not sound like your typical novelist who crafted a murder mystery, but he calls upon a variety of experiences, hobbies, and schooling to create the realism in his newest book, Love, Pride, & Murder.

The former motorcycle rider and sports car driver has lived a life of exploration, marrying, divorcing and chasing after understanding.

For three decades, he engaged in a career of book manufacturing, serving from frontline supervisor to vice president of operations. He worked for several companies, including Bertelsmann, Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing, and RR Donnelley.

He then became a pastoral associate at a local church and served a decade as the religious education teacher, social concerns, administrative, confirmation coordinator, adult education facilitator, and RCIA coordinator.

His earlier book, Journal of a Little Soul, was a personal story about love, loss, and the journey. It was sad, happy, disappointing, and fulfilling. The characters were explored through use of different persona – the same names, but different locations, and different identities and different mini-stories. It begins with unrequited love and ends with love beyond life, the narrative is the life-journey from one to the other. It has a distinct, intended, spiritual flavor.

Feece earned a B.S. majoring in Psychology and minoring in Religious Studies from College Misericordia in PA. He also spent four years in Deaconate Formation at St. Plus X, in PA. He earned an MA in Theology from University of Scranton in PA.


Dennis A. Feece