Born in Alton, Illinois in 1973, Cassie Williams began writing over ten years ago and enjoys creating stories in different genres. Her first novel, RETURN TO PINE STREET: Renee Walker's Haunting, is based on a haunted house she lived in when she was in Junior High. Although the concept of the book is made up - her returning to the house during hypnosis - it was her fear as an adult of moving into another haunted house that gave her the idea to write the book.
Her second book, CALE THORNSBE - The Boy Who Could See: The Golden Seal, is a middle grade children's story full of fantasy, magic and other worlds. "I love writing fiction, especially fantasy, because the possibilities are endless." she said. Both books are first volumes in a planned series.
When she's not writing, Cassie enjoys spending time with her family. She looks forward to penning the many ideas in her head and hopes that each of you will find something in her stories. "My goal is to make the reader feel something... anything. If they haven't, then I haven't done my job."