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Gordon Ryder's Blues
Author: Jeff Dee
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Historical Fiction
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Grace Awakening
Author: Shawn Bird
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Series
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Grace Awakening Power
Author: Shawn Bird
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
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Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Series
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Hanging In The Stars
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Fiction, Romance
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HERE (YA Paranormal Romance) (Here Trilogy)
Author: Ella James
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Paranormal
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Heron's Path
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
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I Am More Than Just a Girl
Author: Leah Oviedo
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Nonfiction
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I Fly
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Fiction
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Immortals And Melodies (Blood And Guitars #2)
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal, Romance
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True Intentions
Author: Lisa Kuehne
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
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Julian Rigby and the Keepers of Time (Volume 1)
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Adventure, Mystery
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Kiss Kill
Author: Jeni Mawter
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Fiction
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Leandra's Enchanted Flute
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Fantasy
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Life After the Undead
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Adventure, Fiction
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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight
Author: Daniel Fife
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
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