All Books
The Last Magdalene
Author: Donna Conrad
Age Level: Adult
Genre: Historical Fiction
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The Enigma Gamers: The Enigma Series-Book 7
Author: Rox Burkey
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction
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Enigma Tracer: Enigma Heirs-Book 1
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Series
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Age Level: Adult
Genre: Fiction
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Possible Happiness
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Fiction
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The Night War
Age Level: 8 - 12
Genre: Historical Fiction
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The Do More Club
Age Level: 8 - 12
Genre: Fiction, Poetry
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The Tree of Life
Author: Elisa Boxer
Age Level: 5 - 8
Genre: Historical Fiction, Picture book
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I Am Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Author: Brad Meltzer
Age Level: 5 - 8
Genre: Biography, Historical Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Picture book
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It's Just A Penny
Author: Gerald Ruhoy
Age Level: 8 - 12
Genre: Educational, Nonfiction
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Spies Among Us
Author: Mel Harrison
Age Level: Adult
Genre: Adventure
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BLINDSIGHTED: The Stronger Will Survive
Author: J.L. Hilliam
Age Level: Adult
Genre: Mystery
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You are Love: The Discovery of Happiness
Age Level: Any Age
Genre: Educational, Nonfiction
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Author: Bev Irwin
Age Level: 12 and up
Genre: Adventure
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Author: Tim Mulligan
Age Level: Mature Young Adult
Genre: Horror, Manga/Graphic Novel
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Age Level: Adult
Genre: Special
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