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Think Again review by CMy | LitPick Book Reviews
Think Again review by CMy
Think Again
by Julie Morstad, JonArno Lawson
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Poetry

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Upper Strasburg, PA, United States
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Think Again makes you do just that (think again). Filled with short four-lined poems, this book keeps the mind intrigued while trying to guess at the deeper meaning in each one. The sometimes-puzzling poems get you thinking about the meaning of every word and are most enjoyable to read. Most of the lovely little poems are about mysterious young love and are very realistic. Every poem portrayed a unique mood, which kept the book interesting and guessing at what would come next. Each page has a cute well-drawn illustration that incorporates well with the poem. The author did a good job at using interesting words in every line to get the most appeal out of each poem.


I enjoyed reading Think Again and it was nice to pick up and read when I had a few extra minutes throughout the day. It was very convenient to read because it presented many different opportunities/places to stop at since it had a new poem on every page. I thought the poems were cute and pretty creative and the author did a good job at writing it. One thing I didn't like, however, was the shortness of the book. It didn't take very long to read and I was disappointed when I came to the end. I think Think Again would be great to take to the beach or just read before going to bed. It made me light-hearted and I got a few good laughs from this quirky book of four-lined poetry written by JonArno Lawson.


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