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Plague in the Mirror review by swimmer1430 | LitPick Book Reviews
Plague in the Mirror review by swimmer1430
Plague in the Mirror
by Deborah Noyes
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 20
Reviewer's Location - Aston, PA, United States
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May should be having the summer of her life. She's living in Florence, Italy with family friends Gwen and Liam, helping Gwen research her latest travel book. But she only agreed to the extended vacation to escape her parents' upcoming divorce - and the decision of who she is going to live with. So when May meets a girl who looks just like her, but says she is from the 14th century, May decides time travel is the perfect escape. Her twin, Cristofana, is brash, selfish, a little scary, and it's obvious she wants something from May. Will May be enamored by the simplicity of the past, or is she ready to take control of her modern life?


The subject of doppelgangers is very interesting and hasn't been written about as much as it should. I thought the premise of Plague in the Mirror sounded very original: evil twins, time travel, romance, and travel all rolled into one. However, I think the author had too many storylines and themes in her novel. Neither modern day Italy or Medieval Florence were as fleshed out as they could have been. I would have preferred if the author picked one setting and stayed with it - rather than have May constantly travel between the two. There were things that I enjoyed in this novel. I loved the setting of Florence. I want to travel to Italy so I was jealous of May's opportunity to live there for the summer. I also enjoyed May's relationship and romance with Liam although I do wish they spent more time together in the book. Overall I think the author of Plague in the Mirror had too many ideas for one book, but it was still an enjoyable read.

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Content rating - some mature content

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Some sexual content.

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