LitPick Review

This story takes place in a house and a forest. The main character is Lilly. The other characters are: Oscer, Uncle Ebb, Lilly’s brother and the lion roan. The problem in the story is that they can’t find the necklace for the coin.
One thing that I liked about this book are the descriptions. For example page 86 paints a picture of Niminn and Lilly. “Nimlinn stared long at Lilly and narrowed her ernormous eyes.” The top thing I liked about this book was chapter 13 because this part just made me shiver. The part was “ Bathed in moonlight, Travin stood alone under the shrinking hole burned into the clouds by the dragon’s breath.” The thing I didn’t like was in chapter one, I didn’t understand what a flocskool was. Chapter 19 was creepy because it was a scary chapter. I didn’t know if anyone was killed or not. I also found some of the words were too complicated. If you like fairytales and have an open mind this would be a good book for you.