LitPick Review

The Lion, also known as Ryan, is struggling to get the Dragon Bone out of his system, but it is not easy. His Uncle implanted a powder called Dragon Bone in his system. Dragon Bone enhances your sight, smell, taste and hearing to a point where you’re superhuman. It also makes you live longer and heal rapidly if you get hurt. But to get Dragon Bone out of your system you have to sweat, and Ryan is trying to sweat, but when too much rain prevents him from mountain biking he ends up going out to California with three of his friends to visit his cousin, Peter, and to learn road racing. While the team is preparing for a road race, Peter is kidnapped by Du’sims gang, a gang of cunning and deadly, not a good combination!
Can Ryan and his friends, Phoenix, Hua'dia, and Jake with the sheer power of Ryan's Dion'Tai (or his core) take down Du’sim's gang and rescue all of their friends from peril?
This book is an exciting adventure full of mysteries and action packed cycling adventures. I think people who like fantasy, mystery, and biking adventure would enjoy this book. Just by reading this book I know that I'll be watching for and reading all by this author. If you compared The Lion to any other book, compare it to The Key of Koryna. When I wasn't reading, I was daydreaming about the settings about Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. This book is the second in Out of the Ashes series.