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Lies We Tell Ourselves review by masha | LitPick Book Reviews
Lies We Tell Ourselves review by masha
Lies We Tell Ourselves (Harlequin Teen)
by Robin Talley
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - baltimore, maryland, United States
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Lies We Tell Ourselves was about an African American girl who was part of the NAACP and helped integrate African Americans into the school system. While she goes to this white school she is endlessly tortured, especially by a certain girl. However, as the book progresses these two girls learn to deal with their differences and start to maybe become friends.


I didn't like this book because it was boring and slow. The characters didn't have very developed personalities, and they failed to interest me. Throughout the book I always knew what was going to happen and I didn't think that there was an exciting climax. I would not recommend this book because it was not an interesting or fun read. 

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Content rating - some mature content

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There is cursing and violence.

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