LitPick Review

A Girl’s Guide to Fitting in Fitness describes how to exercise, eat right, and de-stress. It tells you how to set goals and be motivated to reach them. Quotes from real girls are included too. It also includes nutrition tips. You can learn how to make a fitness plan and track your progress. There are lots of yoga poses and exercises in it. Some of them go with music. It tells you how to work out at a gym or at home. There are ideas for school days as well as for weekends and breaks. It gives tips for getting up early.
Overall it was pretty good but wasn’t what I expected. It said it would make exercise fun, but there was hardly anything that looked fun. I did like the part about dancing. The yoga poses and weight lifting were cool too. It said it wasn’t hard to get up early if you choose an exercise you enjoy. The ones they suggested were things like push ups and lunges. Those aren’t going to motivate me to get up. It had useful information about setting and keeping goals. The writing was easy to read and conversational. The purpose was to explain the benefits and reasons to exercise and share practical ways to begin being more healthy. The authors achieved their purpose. The part about setting and reaching goals was great. It was a motivational and practical book. It is good for beginners just getting started or for people who are already pretty fit looking for a challenge. It’s best for high school girls.