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Garden Princess review by TaurielOfMirkwood | LitPick Book Reviews
Garden Princess review by TaurielOfMirkwood
Garden Princess
by Kristin Kladstrup
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - St. Michael, MN, United States
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Princess Adela is not your average princess. 

When she goes to a garden party, even though she isn't invited, she explores the garden by herself and overhears voices (one of which is her aunt's and Lady Hortensia). She decides to see what they are talking about and discovers a horrifying secret. Her friend Garth is invited to the party, who suddenly "changes". Adela also befriends a talking magpie and they have quite an exciting adventure!



It was an awesome book! The beginning started out really slow but once the characters were in place the story really took off. I loved it! The characters were identifiable and once I started reading I couldn't put the book down. If you love gardens, princesses and castles you will surely love this book too.

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There was nothing questionable. I little bit of love, but not offensive.

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