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Crash Into You review by Lucy | LitPick Book Reviews
Crash Into You review by Lucy
Crash into You
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Pasadena, Maryland, United States
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Rachel, a girl who gets straight A’s is believed to live the perfect life, at least that’s what everyone thought. She secretly goes out at night without her parents knowing and goes racing strangers and ends up falling in love with a “punk”, Isaiah. Isaiah was a foster kid with tattoos who looks like a punk even though deep down inside he’s not. Rachel and Isaiah ends up falling in love although Isaiah knows it’s a bad idea to fall in love with her and tries to keep his distance, Can he do it?


I really like the book, I found it really interesting and I think Isaiah and Rachel are a nice couple. I liked the book because I was also able to relate to the book. I felt like the situation between Isaiah and Rachel is almost the same thing going on in my life. I liked everything about the book and I love Kate McGarry and the books that she writes, I have already read Take Me On and I plan on continuing to read books that are written by her.  

Content Rating:

Content rating - some mature content

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It has some sexual content relating to sex and has other actions that lead to breaking the law.

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