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Crash Into You review by iamabooklion | LitPick Book Reviews
Crash Into You review by iamabooklion
Crash into You
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Los Angeles, CA, United States
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Everyone around Rachel expects her to be the perfect girl with perfect grades and a perfect life. But in reality she hides many secrets from her parents and the people around her and she just added two more to the list. That includes driving the race car down empty highways in the middle of the night and Isaiah Walker, a guy she met in a drag race. Rachel has no business involving him, but ever since he rescued her that night, she can't get him out of her mind. 

Isaiah also has secrets of his own: how he lives and his true feelings for Rachel. The last thing he needs right now is to become tangled up with a rich white girl. When their love for drag racing causes them trouble, they have six weeks to resolve the conflict, six weeks to figure out their love for each other.


This book was beautifully written! I was so drawn to the way Katie McGarry wrote this book, and the plot was just amazing. The author did such a good job in writing these characters. Rachel, the main character, was so well written. She has so much depth to her character, her anxiety problem was so relatable. Isaiah was really loving and cute. Their interactions were so adorable. I couldn't put this book down at all. I'm so excited for the fourth book in the series!

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Content rating - some mature content

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Some scenes are inappropriate for younger readers.

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