LitPick Review

This book was about a teen that has personal and family troubles. He is very behind in school. He wants to finish High School, but the odds seem against him. He is the only person in his family who speaks English. He usually has to talk to people like the doctors, the laundry man, the electrical company and so on. He works many jobs. His dad is paralyzed and can’t walk, much less help his family. He knows why. And he knows it is his fault. Can he earn his high school degree? Or will he go on as another person who can’t get a good job?
I liked this book because of the way the kid dealt through his troubles. He seemed to be able to handle everything that came his way. He worked through the troubles to succeed in his goal. The problem I had with this book was that it was short. Short novels are okay for some people, but I find short novels less interesting because the troubles the person has stop almost as quickly as they start. Other than that, the story was pretty good. The characters were realistic. The setting was great with the characters and troubles. I recommend this book for kids 12+.