LitPick Review

Back to Blackbrick is a story about a teen boy trying to fix his grandpa's memory. His grandpa, in a rare moment of clarity, gives him a key and tells him to go to this place called Blackbrick by the south gate. He discovers that, when he goes through the gate, he goes back in time to his grandpa's past. When he goes to the past, though, he discovers that his grandpa is in love with someone other than his grandma. So in order to continue existing in the present, he needs to fix his grandpa up with his grandma. This touching, sometimes funny, book shows how he deals with these issues.
Back to Blackbrick is a great book with lots of twists and turns. There are two things I didn’t like about it. The first is how it keeps jumping from what is happening now when Granddad’s brain is messed up to what used to happen in the past when his brain isn’t messed up. And the second is that the sentences where people talking are often in third person, so there are less quotation marks than I would expect.
A couple of the things I really liked about this book were that at the end of the book it makes it sound like real life, and second, the author developed the characters very well.
This book has what every great book needs: action, adventure, surprises, and a touch of magic. I would give this book 4/5 stars and would recommend this book to ages 10-14. Have a great time reading this book.