The Web:Lightstorm
The Web: Lightstorm (Web Series 1)
The Web:Lightstorm
Peter F. Hamilton
Welcome to the infinite worlds of The Web Ghostly lights out on the marsh have been the subject of tales and rumors for as long as anyone can remember. Thirteen-year-old Aynsley suspects that the "lightstorms" are connected to a problem at the nearby power company. The company is trying to keep it a secret, but someone in authority needs to be told--and Aynsley is the one to do it. With the help of a network of friends across the world, Aynsley knows he just might be able to use The Web to get past the company security to find out exactly what's going on. But the Web works both ways. If Aynsley can get to the company, then the company can get to him. And the company has a way of dealing with intruders....

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Science

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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